PHYSICAL THERAPY, Feb., 2001 81(2)
“This is a very unusual and very interesting book on massage (Therapeutic Massage. A Scientific Approach). The author does an excellent job of explaining the history, scientific basis, indications, contraindications and techniques of massage.
Physical Therapists will find this work to be an excellent source in understanding evidence-based practice as it relates to massage.
I believe this book to be of great value to the physical therapy profession. The author methodically and scientifically defends the use of massage as part of an overall treatment program. I would highly recommend that this book be adopted as a textbook in massage courses in physical therapists’ educational programs.”
Sofer, MA, OCS, PT.
Assistant Professor Touro College in Bayshore, NY
PHYSICAL THERAPY, Feb., 2007, Vol 87(2)
“The Second Edition of Medical Massage Volume I, presents the Western view of Medical Massage and its place in modern medicine. The author supports the use of massage through references to the literature, including current studies from a variety of scientific journals as well as classic studies.
The first volume of Medical Massage is a valuable reference for health practitioners in several disciplines, including physical therapists, physicians, massage therapists and occupational therapists, as well as students in these respective fields.”
Bukowski, PT, DPT.
Professor of Physical Therapy, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Pomona.
“No single text presents such depth of information presently available outside of the United States. In my opinion, the most valuable contributions of the book are the clear directions for applying each of the techniques, the inclusion of modalities frequently treated separately and the helpful justification of classical massage techniques with the seven systems of Medical Massage delineated in the book.
Those most likely to appreciate the book include: massage therapists, primary care professionals (MDs, DOs, NDs, DCs, PAs, NPs) occupational therapists, respiratory care practitioners and physical therapists. I believe that Medical Massage textbook has something to offer each of the above audiences.”
Dr. H.L. Hendrick.
Division of Medical Education Products of American Medical Association
“The information provided in the Medical Massage book will certainly be useful to massage therapists who want to expand their knowledge about Medical Massage and consider incorporation of the techniques into their practices.”
Dr. K. Premkumar, MD
“With this book, we have come full circle. For over one hundred years, massage texts have gone through the dramatic changes: from medical text, via gymnastic manuals to physiotherapy, a detour through the new age/hippie culture and now proper scientific text.
To sum up: A must for the professional therapists and the more serious massage schools.”
D. Yee, CMT