Dear friends and colleagues,

Welcome to Issue #3 of our 2014 Journal of Massage Science. We have prepared an exciting issue for you and hope you’ll find it an informative and useful resource.

In the Science of Sports Massage section you’ll find a very interesting article by K. Mariarchi, LMT, which illustrates the power of Sports Massage. The author worked as a Massage Therapist for the U.S. Soccer Team on two World Cups and during the Summer Olympics in London where the American Soccer Team won gold medals. Kara shares her personal experience working on world class athletes, but more importantly, she shares with our readers practical tips on the application of Sports Massage.

In the Medical Massage section we continue to publish articles under the general theme of “How Massage Heals the Body.” In the Jan/Feb (Part I), Mar/Apr (Part II) 2010 issues of JMS and we covered the effect of massage therapy on bioelectricity in the soft tissue and cellular function. In Issue #3 and Issue #4 of 2011 we discussed the mechanisms of peripheral and central vasodilation triggered by massage therapy.

In this issue we begin a series of articles on how massage therapy is able to control the pain-analyzing system in patients with somatic and visceral disorders. The first article in this issue covers the theoretical foundation and clinical application of the Gate-Control Theory of Pain from a massage therapy point of view.

In the Case of the Month section S. Avery, LMT, shares with our readers her clinical experience of Medical Massage application. This contribution illustrates that sometimes even one session of a correctly formulated MEDICAL MASSAGE PROTOCOL can make a huge difference in a patient’s life.

As usual, in our “Good Apples/Bad Apples” section youll find many helpful tips in our reviews of articles published in four major national massage publications: Massage & Bodywork Magazine, Massage Today, Massage Magazine, and Massage Therapy Journal. Our suggestions will guide you concerning which articles are accurate and thorough and which are to be avoided.

Sincerely, Dr. Ross Turchaninov, Editor in Chief

Category: Letter From The Editor
